VIVISECTOR: Page 2 of 2

Publication Date: 17th Jun 2014


Phat's internalized homophobia led to a swift split between the two and mounting tensions. This culminated in Phat being unable to access his mutant powers which Myles believed were blocked by his own inner conflict regarding his identity. Despite the loss of U-Go Girl and conflicts galore, the team carried on under the new name X-Statix. Though he continued to make highbrow quips with his teammates, Myles was deeply hurt by Billy Bob's indecision. During a drunken evening of  

self-reflection, Vivisector began to question if being part of the team's media machine was warping his identity and robbing him of his free will. After a brief break from the team, Phat returned and he and Myles had a lengthy talk. They concluded that they were both gay and publicly came out to the media. They also realized that they weren't truly attracted to each other and parted amicably. With their identity issues resolved, Phat's powers returned to normal and both their media statuses improved dramatically. The entire team set aside their personal beefs and reunited to come to the Orphan's aid during a highly dangerous mission he had undertaken alone while the others bickered. [X-Statix #1-4]

Though no longer a couple, Vivisector and Phat continued as teammates and supported each other as they continued to try to be as popular as the other long-time members of X-Statix.  The team's popularity ebbed and flowed, reaching a new peak during filming of the X-Statix movie.  The film featured an actual mutant, the charismatic actor and skateboarder, El Guapo.  As part of the film's promotion, El Guapo joined the actual X-Statix team.  Myles found him very attractive and made no secret of this, depsite the fact that El Guapo was decidedly straight.  Phat tried to talk some sense into Myles but his counsel fell on deaf ears.  A short time later, Phat died in battle after using his excess mass to contain a massive explosion that would have killed the entire team.  Myles mourned for his friend and first love. [X-Statix #11-18]

Shortly after Phat's death, Myles met and fell in love with a hot young soap opera star named Brandon Cody. The two were a media match made in heaven and Brandon seemed to embrace having a mutant boyfriend. Though he had finally embraced his sexual identity and found happiness, Myles still harbored a great deal of pain around his mutant identity. When a scientist named Alex Finlay offered Myles a customized cure that would remove his X-gene, he could not  resist. His teammates tried to dissuade him but years of emotional abuse and rejection by his anti-mutant father won out. Myles accepted Dr. Finlay's offer and subjected himself to this "cure". Shortly after, Myles shared the news with Brandon who broke things off when he learned that he had willingly given up what made him "special". In addition to losing his new love, Myles was also kicked off the X-Statix team now that he was no longer Vivisector.  Now that he was no longer a mutant, Myles returned home for his father's birthday.  He hoped that his father would finally accept him but this was not the case at all.  Given the chance to finally tell his father how he felt about him, Myles found that he didn't have the courage to share his true feelings.

Myles was unaware that Dr. Finlay had not destroyed his X-gene but had actually removed it so that he could use it on himself.  His process worked but in order to access Myles' lycanthropic powers he had to use the same emotional triggers.  In Myles' case, this was the pent up anger he felt towards his abusive father.  These feelings overwhelmed Dr. Finlay and when he transformed into an even more bestial version of Vivisector, he went after Myles' father. He crashed Prof.  Alfred's birthday party and attacked him, not just with his wolfen claws but with all the unspoken rage that Myles himself could not voice.  Driven by this rage, Finlay was about to kill Myles' father.  Despite the fact that all that Finlay had said was true, Myles couldn't let this monster kill his father.  He found his courage after all and stopped Finlay, once and for all.  In the wake of this, he told his father that everything that Finlay had said was true and finally put the demons of his past to rest.  With Finlay dead, Myles's powers resurfaced.  Only now, instead of using feelings of anger to trigger the change into Vivisector he used positive emotions. [X-Statix #19-20]

This was not the only positive thing to come from attending his father's tumultuous birthday bash. Myles met a student of his father's named Raju, who admired him not for his mutant powers or celebrity status, but his intellect. The two soon became an item. After a team-up with the Avengers,  Captain America himself acknowledged the team for their heroism. Realizing that they might actually have more to give to the world than cheap entertainment, the team decided to disband. They threw a star-studded farewell party and prepared to hang up their tights for good. At the party, they were approached to do one final mission together and earn a last paycheck. Thinking it would provide some closure to their time together (and a healthy addition to their savings), Myles and the others agreed. The mission blew up in their faces... literally and Vivisector and the other remaining members of the team all perished. [X-Statix #25-26]
