VISITOR FEEDBACK 2006: Page 3 of 7

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Last Updated: 
22nd October 2006

Has the UXN influenced your purchase of Back Issues? The section of Current Title Info was specifically set up in order for newcomers to be able to more easily start picking up a title, giving them a point of reference and an introduction to characters and plots. There was no doubt when we started it that it could help increase sales (albeit slightly). But would the rest of the site inspire visitors to pick up Back Issues – those unsold comics that are the bane of every retailer. To our pleasant surprise, it indeed did. This section is broken down into sub-sections:

Uses summaries to choose back issues:

  • In a way, I have always bought back issues, but since checking out UXN on a daily basis I can preview and select certain back issues to purchase!



  • Yes. The site is a useful tool for finding which back issues I need to complete a particular story arc of which back issues have important moments for a specific character.
  • The summaries help me get a grounding in back issues, but in no way do they simulate (or ruin) the experience. Generation X and old X-Factor are just two titles that, thanks to summaries, I've gone out and started collecting.
  • UXN hooked me into the comic world. I read all of the Grant Morrison arcs through issue summaries, discovered there's actually a comic shop nearby, went out and bought the lot, and continued with Astonishing X-men and others afterwards.
  • It alerted me to other titles that may have had my favorite characters in it that I didn't realize. Also, after reading reviews, I went back and picked up some mini series that I missed out on.
  • I discovered your site early in 2005. Having gone on a comic book hiatus in 1997, I was able to read about all the books that I had missed out. I've been buying back issues of all X-related title ever since, and continue to do so today.
  • UXN sparked my interest in my now favourite character: Captain Britain. Thanks to them, I am now on a mission to collect all of his appearances.
  • Definitely. My favorite X-titles has been Ultimate X-men, and I've missed a whole lot of them lately, so thanks to the summaries, I've been going out and getting more. I've also gotten a lot of comics I would have never even considered.
  • Yes, because when I read the summaries, I want to actually see the comic. And, I end-up buying the comic books.
  • Yes. After reading issue summaries, I found myself wanting to read the actual issues as well.
  • I usually don't buy back issues, but if I read an issue summary and it looks good, I'll go out looking for that issue.
  • it is helping me look for specific issues that I didn't know about to help complete my collection.
    Because after reading summaries, sometimes I decide to buy an issue of which I was not interested in before I did read the summary.



  • Yes. Because I read the issue summaries, and they make me want to go out and buy more
  • yes- it has helped me find plenty of back issues of my favourite characters so that i can catch up with all of their historic involvements within the X world - it has also sparked my interests with some titles that I new little about
  • Yes, the summaries and character spotlights help me find issues that I know I'll like.
  • After reading the "La Belle Sans Merci" feature I have bought every issue I can find that features Selene.
  • I only buy back issues. UXN lets me sort of preview the comics/crossovers I want to buy/collect. *The issue summaries rock* *ahem*
    side note: I'm spending more money on comics now more than ever... darn you UXN :P
  • I went out & got the Sabretooth comics because I read them on your web site & I loved reading it so I got it
  • Yeah, read the legendary Claremont run and Lobdell summaries; got interested. So, when my local comic store had a 1/2 price sale, I tried getting every issue during that run. I now have UXN #'s 120-340 thanks to you guys...
  • Reading character spotlights has made me want to fill in parts of their pasts.
  • Yes because I started collecting Ultimate X-Men and now I want to have all the issue. I don't like have paperback I like having the actual issues.
  • Having read summaries of both X-Statix and Astonishing X-Men I decided to track down the back issues.
  • Bought the entire ultimate x-men backlog because of UXN
  • I picked up a few things I had no previous desire too after reading through some issue summaries, like Agent X and some minis
  • Reading the summaries for back issues has really spurred me on to fill the gaps in my collection. I've become quite the completist.

    Uses summaries to choose TPBs:

  • I recently read an issue summary of Excalibur (the first one) and I thought it looked cool. So I bought the first TPB and I really enjoyed it. UXN also got me into my two favorite titles, Runaways and New X-Men Academy X.
  • Yes it has, because of reading the issue summaries I have brought the Essential X-men books vol 1-6
  • UXN has influenced me to buy back issues and trade paperbacks because of issue summaries. If I'm interested by the summary, I will often want to see the art on the page and how the story is presented.
  • Not the actual purchasing of back issues, but it certainly influenced me to pick up lots of paperbacks and read more about the issues/characters/storylines that i learn from UXN.
  • Back issues, no. Trade paperbacks, yes. I was weary of New X-Men because of the art and the supposed weirdness of Morrison, but reading the issue summaries put my fears to rest. I now own Volumes 1 and 2.
  • I never would have bought back issues either way. UXN has gotten me interested in developing story lines that I probably wouldn’t have read otherwise. For instance, Avengers Disassembled, House of M, and I'll probably pick up a trade of Apoc Rising
  • Not back issues as much, but it has certainly motivated me to get the trades of long past storylines which were established before I got into comics, and ever before I was born (eg. Inferno, Mutant Massacre).
  • The site actually inspired me to stock up on the "Essential" volumes, mostly the 1960's Avengers and X-Men books.
  • I really, really want to start buying issues or some trade paperbacks.

    Uses summaries to choose Current Titles:

  • The UXN has influenced me in buying x-titles. As a matter of fact, I never purchased comics before, but thanks to this site I was able to catch up on the X history to this point and now anxiously wait for titles such as Exiles and New X-men.
  • Reading the issue summaries got me interested in seeing the actual issue myself.
  • I like reading summaries on UXN, so if I read a summary of a book I don't have, I am more inclined to look for it and buy it.
  • I have read some of your summaries and it has inspired me to check certain series out such as the recent storm one
  • Yes it has. I’m currently undergoing son of m and house of m purchases. Without this site I would never have paid attention to Wanda going mad but after reading the issue summaries I must have it!
  • this site is what convinced me to start buying x-men comics period


  • Hello I go to speak only ne m'influence pas pour mes achats de comics pour la simple est bonne raison que le rythme d'éditions en version française est beaucoup plus long.Mais votre site ma permit de découvrir de nombreux comic Peut-être vous devez essayer l'original, les versions anglaises, si votre magasin les vend.